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We are deep in the season of Eastertide. This is the time in the church calendar when we remember and reflect on the disciples' experiences of the risen Christ. As you read the last chapters of the each of the gospels you find different stories of how Christ resurrected was met. Some describe a closed room, others conversations along the road, Mary met Jesus in the garden around the tomb, and Peter eats and talks with him along the lake shore. We also spend some time during this season experiencing with the early disciples the time of waiting, the time of early witnessing to the salvitic work of Christ.

Will you too remember and reflect on your own experiences of the risen Christ. How has he greeted you? As you remember also reflect on your response and on those who have joined you along the way. What footprints do we leave as we walk along the path with our risen Lord?

Will you share your experiences? Will you reflect on the community that aids you in knowing the risen Christ?


  1. Caroline, what a great site.

    As I read I was reminded of the past several weeks in my own journey.

    Recently I went to "Angel Ministries" class in the chapel and heard about it for the first time. I recognized my own family's need for good cheap food.

    The next week I found myself seated on a plane with two men who are involved with this ministry. One's church distributes food each Saturday and the other had been on staff of the regional distribution church in McKinney and had been instrumental in starting this program.

    Both gentlemen were very literal in their Bible interpretations and had proof texts for each one. Believe it or not, I held my tongue...for the most part.

    As we de-planed I thanked them both and told each of them "I have seen Christ in your face today".

    The conversation stopped and they avoided any other eye contact with me.

    Anyway Tom told me he had some other things for me to do on Saturday mornings.

    Is there a spell checker on this thing?

    Discerning which footsteps to follow,
    Al Reeder

  2. thanks Al
    I appreciate hearing how Christ appears now. I do believe in that.

    I think Christ appears in words spoken and heard as well as deeds done.

    I confess part of the idea came from the First Sunday worship which included three testimonies from members of the congregation. They were inspiring but all about events in the past. Thanks for your present.

    Christ leads us in different paths, all needed and significant. Glad to hear you're looking for yours.


  3. As we were taught to pray "on earth as it is..."


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