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Luke 24: 13-27

Three days after the crucifixion two followers were walking toward a village. Confused perhaps is the best word to describe them. They had hoped Jesus was Israel’s savior. But he had been executed by word of chief priests and power of the Roman authorities. Hope died. Amazingly however word had come that his tomb was empty and some women had seen a vision of angels who said he was alive. Hope again?

Can we identify in any way with these two? When have you experienced such a roller coaster of emotions? When have you had your hoped raised, then dashed, and then raised again? How does that affect your ability to trust, to believe?

Another joined them as they walked and asked what they were talking about. They replied, “Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?” His answer “What things?” led them to recount their woes and their wondering. He then began to explain again how scripture taught that Jesus was the Messiah. Only however when he broke bread with them did they recognize him as the one they had followed.

Today listen to the conversations; listen deeply; listen broadly; listen expectantly. Jesus is alive and talking it seems.

Lord Jesus, be alive again in our beings, among us. We offer ourselves in thanksgiving for your perfect work in bringing all to oneness with God and each other. Amen.
Blessings, Caroline


  1. Just passing through. Here is an entry from my blog thought you might be interested in

    Mark Dias

  2. I agree Mark that crucifixion is horrible. I also agree something happened to the followers without which Christianity would not exist. What that was we cannot really know but we call it resurrection as it has been delivered to us. The God Jesus revealed is compassionate, forgiving, and concerned about those excluded from the prosperity of socity. We are to do the same I think.


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