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Walking with Jesus during Holy Week: Friday Dying

The die is cast. Jesus is guilty of blasphemy, sedition, and silence. Pilate can’t have a riot on his watch; the religious authorities incite the crowd; the people turn to another savior. Established power rules the day. Jesus is mocked not rescued; he is forsaken even by God or so he cries. Mercifully he dies this day and is buried at sun down. There is nothing left to do—go home. It is over, finished. Walk today knowing your part in the crucifixion, feel the pain of our world’s violent violation of others, express your regrets and remorse. Kneel at the foot of the cross.

Matthew’s account of Good Friday is found in chapter 27: 1 – 61.

20Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus killed. 21The governor again said to them, "Which of the two do you want me to release for you?" And they said, "Barabbas." 22Pilate said to them, "Then what should I do with Jesus who is called the Messiah?" All of them said, "Let him be crucified!" 23Then he asked, "Why, what evil has he done?" But they shouted all the more, "Let him be crucified!" 24... Pilate saw that he could do nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning,.... 26So he released Barabbas for them; and after flogging Jesus, he handed him over to be crucified. (Matt. 27: 20 – 24a, 26)

Reflect on the power of evil to take over the crowd, crowds we join or will join perhaps.

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